


We made sure to adhere to the risk assessment requirements. We looked over the full evaluation ensuring that we had covered everything including watching out for trip hazards and other problems. We took extra care to make sure that our belongings were  in our bags and tucked away to make sure nothing fell out of loose pockets. Our first concern was safety therefore we took all the required measures to guarantee a safe and orderly shoot. With the film being filmed in the woods we were quite secluded, so emergency services would’ve struggled to access the part of the woods we were in. However, this is why we scoped out the area a week before filming, so we knew what shot types to have and where it was safe to film. Members of the public was another concern of ours however we are planning around that and to overcome this problem we will use a remote area of woods to film.


We kept lines of communication open and constant within the team throughout the whole filming period. This made it possible for us to quickly resolve any worries or problems that might have arisen. Our goal was to ensure that everyone was safe and could record to the best of our abilities with minimal risk of injury.

Below are rushes from the film including transitions and varied shot types.


When we got on set we took the storyboard with us however we didn't feel the need to base the whole film solely on the storyboard. The reason for this as is we felt as though having little to no improvisation would cause the film to look wooden and have a lack of personality. Therefore we improvised a few scenes with a solid base for our work from the storyboard. We ensured to vary the shots taken to create suspension and to improve the flow to the film. Overall the storyboard gave us a solid platform to work from. In the images below i have showed the changes we have made from the original story board into the final piece.

Witness statement
